UWA Career Mentoring Program


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The UWA Career Mentor Link program is a 6-month (May - October) mentoring program that matches industry professionals (mentors) with UWA students (mentees). Students are matched with an industry professional with a similar background to their study and area of interest.

Students are encourages to seek advice and information about their career direction and employment goals while mentors share their industry skills an insights and take a active interest in the career development of the student. 

Why Become a Mentor?

  • Enhance your leadership and communication skills through mentorship.

  • Boost your organisation’s profile and visibility at UWA.

  • Broaden your professional networks and connections.

  • Gain fresh perspectives and insights from your mentee/s.

  • Enjoy the rewarding experience of contributing to a student’s career development

  • Find out more    

Why Become a Mentee?

  • Broaden your knowledge of the career options open to you

  • Increase your understanding of industry

  • Be able to link academic study to industry realities

  • Develop practical skills and confidence to enter your chosen profession

  • Learn what employers are looking for when they hire graduates

  • Find out more    

It is a great way to expand your networking and skill set with someone who is already in the field [and] is able to guide you through career challenges. -2021 CML student (Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation)

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